Emmaus Christian Fellowship: Mission Statement
To be a place where broken people can find healing in Jesus; enjoying the love of God the Father, giving Him access to bring his healing to our hearts.
To live a life honouring to Jesus.
To cooperate with the Holy Spirit in bringing people into the full knowledge of Jesus Christ, beginning with our community and reaching out to the ends of the earth.
To eagerly pursue the gifts of the Holy Spirit, expecting demonstrations of his supernatural power.
To treasure the Bible as the written Word of God; to be used for teaching, encouraging and admonishing according to its precepts.
To love and nurture each person God sends to us, recognising their amazing value to Him.
To demonstrate love in action; serving God in the community.
To encourage each person in ministry, realising their God given potential and purpose in His kingdom.
To be a catalyst in God's work; connecting people to God and one another.